Friday, March 15, 2013

ETS Quiz


Welcome to an introductory quiz to check your temperature before entering a conference call with ETS! The questions below will be used exclusively for the purpose of preparing your mind for this meeting.

  1. How would you rate your satisfaction with your current career?

  2. Dream Career
    Solid Stepping Stone
    Career Path
    Same Career
    It Is What It Is
    Considering Other Options
    I Want Out
    Actively Pursuing Other Options
    Need New Career

  3. What is the minimum salary you would consider in a new career?

  4. $50,000/year

  5. What is your level of experience with Customer Engagement?

  6. I hate shopping.
    I shop, but I don't like it.
    I like to shop, but I don't do it often.
    I enjoy shopping.
    I love shopping.
    I have 1-3 years of experience in related field.
    I have 4-6 years of experience in related field.
    I have 7-9 years of experience in related field.
    I have 10-12 years of experience in related field.
    I have 13+ years of experience in related field.

  7. What is your level of experience within the Financial Industry?

  8. I have no finance, banking, payments experience.
    I have limited experience in the financial industry.
    I have handled money in the Consumer Markets.
    I have run companies in the Consumer Markets.
    I currently run a company in the Consumer Markets.
    I have 1-3 years of experience in related field.
    I have 4-6 years of experience in related field.
    I have 7-9 years of experience in related field.
    I have 10-12 years of experience in related field.
    I have 13+ years of experience in related field.

  9. What do you enjoy most about the Entertainment Marketplace?

  10. I avoid it completely.
    I enjoy entertainment of television, movies, etc...
    I go to an entertainment venue 1 time/year.
    I go to an entertainment venue 2-5 times/year.
    I go to an entertainment venue 6-9 times/year.
    I go to an entertainment venue 10-13 times/year.
    I have done business with an entertainment venue.
    I have worked at entertainment venue 1-5 years.
    I have worked at entertainment venue 6-10 years.
    I own an entertainment venue or destination shop.

  11. What ratio of hours per week would you like to work from home?

  12. 0-5 hour work week at home: 35-40 hours at office.
    6-10 hour work week at home: 30-36 hours at office.
    11-15 hour work week at home: 25-29 hours at office.
    16-20 hour work week at home: 20-24 hours at office.
    21-25 hour work week at home: 15-19 hours at office.
    26-30 hour work week at home: 10-14 hours at office.
    31-35 hour work week at home: 5-9 hours at office.
    36-40 hour work week at home: 0-4 hours at office.
    I prefer to office from home and travel for meetings.
    I prefer to host meetings at my home office.

  13. What is your level of experience within the Retail Marketplace?

  14. I have no experience in Retail.
    I have little experience in Retail.
    I shop sometimes, but I don't like it.
    I have worked some in Retail.
    I enjoy the Retail Environment.
    I enjoy 1-5 shopping trips per month.
    I enjoy 6-10 shopping trips per month.
    I enjoy shopping everyday.
    I have worked in Retail exclusively.
    I own a retail business.

  15. How familiar are you with mobile technology?

  16. I own a mobile device.
    I make regular calls from my mobile device.
    I text from time-to-time on my mobile device.
    I receive/send e-mail via my mobile device.
    I am connected to social media on my mobile.
    I check my phone for messages 1-5 times/day.
    I check my phone for messages 6-10 times/day.
    I check my phone for messages 11-15 times/day.
    I am up-to-date on all hot mobile applications.
    I have developed mobile apps.

  17. What is your level of interest with internet infrastructure/security?

  18. I know how to hook-up my computer.
    I have security software loaded on all devices.
    I never visit untrusted sites.
    I have some experience with flow diagrams.
    I have extensive experience with data management.
    I have led tech teams in supervisory role.
    I have worked in this area for 5-10 years.
    I have worked in this area for 11-16 years.
    I have worked in this area for 17-22 years.
    I could run this company with my eyes closed.

  19. Describe your level of experience in account management/sales.

  20. I used to sell candy as a kid.
    I worked in sales when I was a teenager.
    I have 5-10 years of experience in this area.
    I have 11-16 years of experience in this area.
    I have 17-22 years of experience in this area.
    I have led teams of 3-5 to top sales.
    I have led teams of 6-8 to top sales.
    I have led teams of 9+ to top sales.
    I have led departments of teams in this area.
    I am a professional guru in this area.

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